RTI Swisscom TV - Treiber
Version 2.0

RTI Swisscom TV - Treiber
Version 2.0

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Ab 24.02.2025 wieder lieferbar
Swisscom TV Treiber. Für die UHD Box braucht es zwingen einen IR Empfänger. Treiber funktioniert 60 min ohne Lizenz. *** Um die Lizenz zu erhalten, bitte Beschreibung lesen***
Art-Nr Swisscom TreiberV2.0


Swisscom TV 2.0 Driver
Version 2.1

*** Bitte, unbedingt folgende Beschreibung lesen ! ***

Um die Lizenz zu erhalten, benötigen wir die MAC-Adresse vom XP Prozessor.

Bestell-Ablauf :

    Wenn der XP-Prozessor bereits vorhanden ist :

    - Senden Sie uns die MAC-Adresse des XP-Prozessors per E-Mail an info@stilus.ch zu.
    - Die Lizenz wird generiert und Ihnen per E-Mail/Lieferschein zugestellt.


    Wenn der XP-Prozessor mit dem Treiber bestellt wird :

    - Bitte, vermerken Sie auf der Bestellung: „XP-Prozessor „XY“ für Swisscom Treiber verwenden“.
    - Die Lizenz wird generiert und Ihnen mit dem XP-Prozessor per Lieferschein zugestellt.
    - Die Auslieferung kann sich um bis zu 12 Std. Stunden verzögern.


Swisscom TV 2.0 Driver                         Sept. 2017
Version 2.1

The driver will control the Box via IR.
Channels are loaded from Swisscom Web Services.

Box 1-5 settings:

Name of Box:
Enter here any Name. This Name is not needed in the driver and is only for a better usability of the driver.
Choose any Name you want.

Macro IR 0-9:
The driver will call this Macro. Place the IR Code of the Swisscom TV Box in this Macro.
When selecting/calling a Channel, the Driver will call the designated Number.

In order to save all the Channel Data and Connection Cookies etc, the driver needs a
big amount of Data. Therefore it is not recommended, to run this driver on an old XP-8.

Favorit Lists:
You can create you’re own Favorit Lists. These lists are stored permanently on the Controller when
the button save is pressed.
These Favorite lists are NOT THE SAME than the ones you’re client has on his Swisscom TV.

Radio Channels
The driver DOES NOT automatically download the Radio Channel list.
This must be done manually by calling the function Refresh Radio Channellist.
It may happen that you need to push this button several times until you get the Radio Channel list.
This is due the poor response rate and connectivity of the Swisscom Server.

Channel Up/Down:
There is no Channel Up/Down Command like on the Remote. But the driver simulates it by reading
the selected Channel List and increases / decreases a step and calls the next Channel.

Now Playing Channel EPG 1-3
This Shows Now playing and next playing infos of the selected Channel at this Box.
This Data is provided from Swisscom! The Driver has NO influence of its correctness!

This driver runs in a trial mode 60min without license.

The driver provides Feedback of its current license status:

License Valid:         true if a valid license code is given

Trial Mode Active:     true for about 60 minutes after downloading to the processor, if no license or wrong license is given.

Driver Enabled:    true if the driver is working with no limitations. No matter if driver is in Trial Mode or not.

No of Box Enabled:This shows the number of enabled Boxes of you’re license. Note that this number must correspond to the total amount of the clients Swisscom Boxes, No matter if controlled by RTI or not.

Please contact in case of any questions or for licenses:


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