Safety first! We make security a certainty
Safety First! We make security a certainty.
Because a secure environment simply works better.
Our commitment:
Security by design
You know us, we like to play. But we take security very seriously. From corporate data to privacy. For IT administrators to field technicians. A stable security foundation is the backbone of a healthy and successful organisation. And that's why we take no prisoners when developing secure-by-design solutions and services.
Wondering what security has to do with touchscreens? EVERYTHING.
Touchscreens are much more than good-looking whiteboards. In businesses and educational institutions, touchscreens are often part of a digital network, used to create and store materials. This means that special attention must be paid to protecting the digital data on touchscreens. You wouldn't leave your front door or bag open either, would you?
All the tools at your (the administrator's) disposal
It's always about "usability versus security", and the requirements differ depending on the industry. That's why we give you full control in setting up your touchscreen as you see fit. Do you want to disable USB ports? Prevent the use of LAN ports and restrict access to the internet? Turn off Touch and make the whiteboard just a ... screen? Everything is possible! We also offer PIN code setting and optional NFC readers and fingerprint scanners for multi-factor authentication. You decide what your business needs, make the necessary settings just once and all touchscreens are as secure as you want them to be.
Unser Engagement:
Sicherheit durch Design (Secure-by-design)
Sie kennen uns, wir scherzen gerne. Sicherheit nehmen wir jedoch sehr ernst. Von Unternehmensdaten bis hin zur Privatsphäre, für IT-Administratoren bis hin zu Aussendiensttechnikern, eine stabile Sicherheitsbasis ist das Rückgrat einer gesunden und erfolgreichen Organisation. Und das ist der Grund, warum wir extreme Anstrengungen unternehmen, um Secure-by-Design-Lösungen und -Services zu entwickeln. Sie fragen sich, was Sicherheit mit Touchscreens zu tun hat?
For our customers.
For our products.
For our people.
We're always raising the bar on our level of security.
How? With the help of industry experts like Grant Thornton.
Member of the Cyber Resilience Center Brainport
CTOUCH is one of the first members of the Cyber Resilience Center Brainport. This organisation offers companies in the high-tech sector a unique opportunity to improve their protection against cybercrime. We all work together for the early identification of digital threats, share knowledge on data protection and achieve the highest possible level of security.
Interested in our security expertise?
Although engagement, fun and human interaction are our passions, we take data and cyber security very seriously. From product design to network security, our experts (like Caner) are here to help.
Interested in a fun read with answers to the most frequently asked security questions? Because Caner likes you, he's given his pro tips.
Source: CTOUCH | Security