Dirac ART – State of the Art Raumkalibrierung
Dirac Live Active Room Treatment (ART) calibrates your speakers as a unified system, harnessing the strengths of each speaker to reduce decay time in the room, resulting in the efficient elimination of lingering bass and unsurpassed clarity.
For more than a decade, audio enthusiasts have used Dirac Live to analyse the acoustic properties of a listening room, reduce the room's influence and improve speaker performance. Today, Dirac Live is an industry leader, available in some of the world's best-known AVR brands and used by home installers to deliver great sound in even the most challenging situations.
But what exactly does the Dirac measurement process do? What are the measurement methods and why is Active Room Treatment (ART) currently the ultimate measurement method to get the best out of your room and speakers?
Dirac Live Room
The interaction between the speakers and a room has a detrimental effect on the sound, no matter how much you have paid for your system. You will typically experience reduced clarity, loss of detail, distorted sound staging, muddy and booming bass. Dirac Live Room Correction corrects each speaker in both the frequency domain (amplitude) and time domain (phase) to deliver an improved overall sound performance. Simply put, room correction is about controlling the average frequency and time response of your system across multiple listening positions.
Dirac Bass Control
Dirac Live Bass Control optimises the subwoofers and the other speakers together to significantly improve the mix between subwoofers and full-range speakers in the crossover area. The result is an even bass response with minimal variation between seats, so listeners in all seats can enjoy powerful, balanced bass without nulls (unwanted cutoffs of certain frequencies) and peaks (unwanted over-attenuation of certain frequencies).
The main purpose of Dirac Live Bass Control is to eliminate sound fluctuations between listening positions. This differs from and complements room correction, ensuring that the average frequency response is improved but fluctuations between different listening positions remain.
Active room treatment to reduce fading in the room
Dirac Live room correction and bass control effectively deal with two different aspects of room-speaker interaction. Neither, however, addresses decay time throughout the listening room or the elimination of residual room resonance.
As audiophiles know, low frequencies are made up of long wavelengths that slowly fade in a small room such as a living room. This means that bass lingers in the room even after the speakers have stopped reproducing it, and it can take more than half a second for the bass to fully fade - much longer than intended. This results in washed-out and boomy bass which makes it difficult to distinguish notes clearly. The Dirac Live room correction improves the direct wave and reduces early reflections from the same direction.
The following graphic visualises the significantly reduced decay of bass frequencies due to Active Room Treatment.
Sonically, this means an incredible and intensely perceptible precision in the bass range. You should personally experience for yourself what Active Room Treatment means. Our demo cinema in Uster offers you precisely this opportunity.
Sonically, this means an incredible and intensely perceptible precision in the bass range. You should personally experience for yourself what Active Room Treatment means. Our demo cinema in Uster offers you precisely this opportunity.
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